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Game Name : Halo 3
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2007-09-14 22:22:09
Views : 15348

Iron Skull
After freeing Johnson and killing all the Covenant that come in the Phantoms in the "Sierra 117" mission, walk to the Pelican that arrives to pick you up. Face the cargo bay, but instead of hopping in turn left and follow the path. Once you hit the wall, jump up to your right to eventually reach a walkway. Walk all the way to the end. Take a left, then a right. At the end of this a little bit to the right is a dark corner. Press Up to turn your light on and you should see the skull. If you cannot see it you are probably standing on it. Its description reads "Death carries a heavy price...". Instead of only losing 25 points when you die, you will lose 75.

Thunderstorm Skull
In "The Covenant" mission, shut down Tower 1 and get access to the Hornet. Fly to Tower 2 (which is the one that the Arbiter shut down). Go up the stairs. Go to the middle part that connects both. There should be a stairway that leads up to a platform where the skull is found. Its description reads "Field promotions for everyone!" Enemies will be stronger.

Crow's Nest: NBA Spartan
At the beginning of the level, grab the skull on top of the large pipe near the ceiling before you pick up any weapons. This is easier in Co-op mode. Press RT repeatedly. This will cause Master Chief to drop the skull but because he has no weapons, he will immediately pick it back up, making it appear as though he is dribbling the skull like a basketball.

Sierra 117: Monkeys with teddy bear
After you come into contact with the snipers in the woods, follow along the left rock path. You will find a strange family of monkeys holding a teddy bear.

Fog Skull
In the "Floodgate" mission, while you are walking down from the anti-air gun destroyed in the last mission, you will see a ramp next to a missile launcher. Near this ramp is a checkpoint. After reaching it, you will hear a Marine yell, "There! Over there!". Look up and to the right at the roof of the building next to the missile launcher. There is a lone Flood that is holding the skull. Kill him before he jumps. He will drop the skull on the ground. Note: If you shoot too early the skull will get stuck on the roof. Its description reads "You'll miss those eyes in the back of your head." You will no longer have a motion sensor.

Isolation: Evil duck
On the multi-player map Isolation, go to the Flood cave where the Ghost is located. Go in front of the Ghost, look up, and walk a short distance slowly. You will see a big smudge on its face, but look carefully for the duck's body. You can partly see its face and the horns on its head. This is related to the picture in Zanzibar in Halo 2.

Mythic Skull
Follow the normal path in the "Halo" mission until you reach a cave. Hug the right wall until it branches off into a small path. At the end of this path is some rubble, and in front is the skull. Its description reads "Coverage under the Covenant health plan." It gives a 3x score multiplier for all kills.

Tough Luck Skull
On Tsavo Highway, about halfway through the mission (right after you are forced to walk through a large blue barrier), you will come out of a tunnel on the highway, and see a large pipeline on your left. Drop down in between the two, and run to the wall in front of you. Follow the wall all the way to where it connects with the cliff on your right, and turn to the left. There should be a few ledges--simply crouch jump from ledge to ledge, and the last one should have the "Tough Luck" skull on it

Tilt Skull
Mission: Cortana - When in the circular type room with all the flood look for a small structure piece next to two archways, jump on top if it and up on the rocks to the top left, turn left and jump up again, then do a 180 and jump to the rocks across from you. After that follow the the rock sticking out and leading up on top of of the original circular room, the skull will be in a pile of blood.

Black Eye Skull
From the start of the "Crow's Nest" mission, without moving anything, you can see a massive pipe above you. Walk up the stairs, then up the next set. Turn to your left and jump up on the shelf unit. From there, jump to the red cross beam then up onto the pipe. From there, just walk to the end. Walk over the Black Eye Skull to claim it. You do not have to pick this skull up, it does it automatically. Its description reads "Bash your way to better health." Your shield will not auto-recharge anymore, and you must kill an enemy with a melee attack.

You can only claim/collect the skulls under the Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty settings. You must start from the beginning of the mission. You will not be able to see the skulls if you load from a checkpoint. In Co-op mode, as soon as one player picks the skull up, all players will receive the achievement. Not all skulls earn an achievement; only nine of them do so. To use skulls, press X at the lobby screen. This will give you a bonus multiplier for co-op and go towards earning the Guerrilla, Demon, etc. achievements.

Very fast Spartan laser fire
In Forge mode get a Spartan laser. Charge it until its almost about to fire. Before you fire, turn into the Monitor. Fly around until you get a target. Before you turn back into a human, hold RT to fire within at least half a second (if done correctly). You can use the Monitor's aimer to aim the laser.

Multiplayer Medals
If you do the following things you will get the medal while playing multiplayer. When you do the task usually it will show you by a little icon of the said medal appearing in the corner of the screen. Also at the end of each match you can check what medals you got. You can also check your overall medal count on bungie's official website. A very small amount of these are secret medals in that they don't tell you right when you get them but they will appear in your medal history. (One example of such a medal is the Steaktacular! Medal)
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Assassin!Hit and kill an opponent with a melee attack from behind.
Beat Down!Hit and kill an opponent with a melee attack.
Bomb Planted!Plant the bomb in a Assault Gametype.
Bulltrue!Kill an opponent who is in the act of a sword lunge.
Death from the Grave!Kill an opponent after you have died.
Double Kill!Kill 2 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Extermination!Get an overkill on the opposing team, wiping out all of the members.
Flag Kill!Get a melee kill with the flag in a CTF gametype.
Flag Score!Capture the opposing team's flag in a CTF gametype.
Grenade Stick!Kill an opponent by sticking him/her with a Plasma Grenade or a Spike Grenade.
Hail to the King!Kill 5 consecutive opponents in a single life from inside the hill before it moves in a King of the Hill gametype.
Hell's Janitor!Kill 10 zombies in a row as a human without dying in an Infection gametype.
Highjacker!Board an enemy ground vehicle.
Incineration!Kill an opponent by using the Flamethrower.
Infection Spree!Kill 5 humans in a row as a zombie without dying in an Infection gametype.
Invincible!Kill 30 opponents in a row without dying.
Juggernaut Spree!Kill 5 consecutive opponents in a single run as the Juggernaut in a Juggernaut gametype.
Killapocalypse!Kill 9 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Killed Bomb Carrier!Kill the opposing bomb carrier in a Assault Gamtype.
Killed Juggernaut!Kill the Juggernaut in a Juggernaut gametype.
Killed VIP!Kill the opposing VIP in a VIP Gametype.
Killimanjaro!Kill 7 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Killing Frenzy!Kill 10 opponents in a row without dying.
Killing Spree!Kill 5 opponents in a row without dying.
Killionaire!Kill 10 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Killjoy!End an opponent's killing spree—any spree.
Killtacular!Kill 5 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Killtastrophe!Kill 8 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Killtrocity!Kill 6 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Laser Kill!Kill an opponent by using the Spartan Laser.
Last Man Standing!Be the last human of the game in an Infection gametype.
Linktacular!Play in a matchmade game comprised of all Bungie.net users. (Secret Medal)
Mmmm Brains!Kill 10 humans in a row as a zombie without dying in an Infection gametype.
Oddball Kill!Get a melee kill when holding the ball in a Oddball gametype.
Open Season!Gun down 10 opponents with a Shotgun in a row without dying.
Overkill!Kill 4 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Perfection!Win a slayer game with 15+ kills without dying.
Rampage!Kill 20 opponents in a row without dying.
Running RiotKill 15 opponents in a row without dying.
Sharpshooter!Snipe 10 opponents in a row without dying.
Shotgun Spree!Gun down 5 opponents with a Shotgun in a row without dying.
Skyjacker!Board an enemy aircraft.
Slice 'N Dice!Cut down 10 opponents with the Plasma Sword in a row without dying.
Sniper Kill!Kill an opponent by using a sniping weapon.
Sniper Spree!Snipe 5 opponents in a row without dying.
Splatter Spree!Splatter 5 opponents in a row without dying.
Splatter!Hit and kill an opponent with a vehicle.
Steaktacular!Beat the opposing team by over 20 kills; (Luke owes you a steak dinner) (Secret Medal)
Sword Spree!Cut down 5 opponents with the Plasma Sword in a row without dying.
Triple Kill!Kill 3 opponents within 4 seconds of each other.
Unstoppable!Kill 10 consecutive opponents in a single run as the Juggernaut in a Juggernaut gametype.
Untouchable!Kill 25 opponents in a row without dying.
Wheelman!Be the driver of a vehicle when a passenger kills an opponent.
Zombie Killing Spree!Kill 5 zombies in a row as a human without dying in an Infection gametype.

Hayabusa Armor
Collect the hidden skulls throughout the game to unlock the pieces of Hayabusa armor.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Hayabusa ChestCollect 6 hidden skulls
Hayabusa HelmetCollect 13 hidden skulls
Hayabusa ShouldersCollect 9 hidden skulls

Alternate ending
Complete the final mission under the Legendary difficulty setting.

Smarter respawning
When playing in Co-op under the Legendary difficulty setting, it is best to have one player keep their distance from the enemy at all times. By doing this, if the rest of the players die they will respawn around the player that is farther back, rather than having to restart the checkpoint.

Defeating Flood
When you kill any Flood that can come back to life by the infection forms, hit the body and it should break apart. This saves ammunition.

Cowbell Skull (Level: The Ark)
First pick up a grav lift from the small building near where you fight the scarab. Now proceed through the level until you reach the second sloping hallway (stairway), you should see some partitioned risers (platforms) halfway down. The skull is on the top level. Toss the grav-lift on the right side of the hall so it lands on the fourth little green dot from the door. Then run, jump, and use the grav-lift to propel you to the top. You should reach a ckeckpoint just as you enter the room so it you miss just try again.

Achievements (Lone Wolves)
Go to your Dashboard. Change your language to the second option from the bottom. Start Halo 3. Invite four other friends that are about the same rank as you. Also have them change their language to the same one as you. Get everyone in the same party before you want to get them in the same party. Everyone must search at the same time. Everyone then must make a game in Lone Wolves. Before you go to start the countdown, press X to change the search options to the bottom one, which is to search for the same language. If done correctly, chances are you will be in the same ranked Lone Wolves game as your friends. You can now get achievements or level someone up.

Sandtrap: Flipped Elephant message
This is best done with two players. Enter the Sandtrap on the Forge. Try to get as many pre-placed fusion coils and plasma batteries before you start. Place as many fusion coils and plasma batteries as possible in front of an Elephant and drive into the pile. Then, shoot into the pile until it explodes. It will either just jump a little, stand up on the rear, or turn all the way around. When you get close, the message "Press RT to... Wait. How did you do that?" will appear.

Armor parts
Complete the indicated task in Campaign mode to unlock the corresponding armor part in Multi-player mode.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Elite Ascetic BodyEarn the "Up Close and Personal" achievement.
Elite Ascetic HeadEarn the "Steppin' Razor" achievement.
Elite Ascetic ShouldersEarn the "Overkill" achievement.
Elite Commando BodyEarn the "Triple Kill" achievement.
Elite Commando HeadEarn the "Overkill" achievement.
Elite Commando ShouldersEarn the "Killing Frenzy" achievement.
Elite Flight BodyComplete "Tsavo Highway" under the Heroic or Legendary difficulty.
Elite Flight HeadComplete Campaign mode under the Heroic difficulty.
Elite Flight ShouldersComplete "The Ark" under the Heroic or higher difficulty.
Spartan EOD BodyComplete "Tsavo Highway" under the Legendary difficulty.
Spartan EOD HeadComplete Campaign mode under the Legendary difficulty.
Spartan EOD ShouldersComplete "The Ark" under the Legendary difficulty.
Spartan EVA BodyComplete "Tsavo Highway" under the Normal or higher difficulty.
Spartan EVA HeadComplete Campaign mode under the Normal or higher difficulty.
Spartan EVA ShouldersComplete "The Ark" under the Normal or higher difficulty.
Spartan Mark V HeadEarn the "UNSC Spartan" achievement.
Spartan ODST HeadEarn the "Spartan Graduate" achievement.
Spartan Rogue HeadEarn the "Spartan Officer" achievement.
Spartan Scout BodyEarn the "Too Close to the Sun" achievement.
Spartan Scout HeadEarn the "Used Car Salesman" achievement.
Spartan Scout ShouldersEarn the "We're in for Some Chop" achievement.
Spartan Security HeadEarn 1,000 Gamerscore points.
Spartan Security ShouldersEarn 250 Gamerscore points.

Katana is unlocked when you complete all Achievements (1000/1000) and find all skulls.

Grunt Birthday Party Skull
Immediately after the first objective of the "Crow's Nest" mission, while en route to the barracks you will fall down to a pipe. Get to the end that pipe. Look over the edge to find a small space a few feet below. Drop over then quickly pull back to land under the floor you dropped from. The skull will be at the end of this area. When this skull is active, headshots will cause enemies to explode.

Blind Skull
In the first mission, get to the area where you see the Phantom overhead. A Marine will point it out. Jump over the rocks and follow the path on the right. When you reach the cliff, there will be a rock over the side. The skull is at the end of the rock. Its description reads "Shoot from the hip". This skull must be activated before you start a Campaign map.

Multiplayer Ranks
A list of the Skill and Experience needed to advance in rank. Note: you can skip ranks once there is a set skill requirement. For example, many people go from Lieutenant Grade 2 (Skill:10 EXP:85) straight to Captain (Skill:20 EXP:100)
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
01 RecruitSkill Needed: 0 EXP:1
02 ApprenticeSkill Needed: 0 EXP:2
03 Apprentice Grade 2Skill Needed: 0 EXP:3
04 PrivateSkill Needed: 0 EXP:5
05 Private Grade 2Skill Needed: 0 EXP:7
06 CorporalSkill Needed: 0 EXP:10
07 Corporal Grade 2Skill Needed: 0 EXP:15
08 SergeantSkill Needed: 0 EXP:20
09 Sergeant Grade 2Skill Needed: 0 EXP:30
10 Sergeant Grade 3Skill Needed: 0 EXP:40
11 Gunnery SergeantSkill Needed: 0 EXP:50
12 Gunnery Sergeant Grade 2Skill Needed: 0 EXP:60
13 Gunnery Sergeant Grade 3Skill Needed: 0 EXP:150
14 Gunnery Sergeant Grade 4Skill Needed: 0 EXP:300
15 LieutenantSkill Needed: 10 EXP:70
16 Lieutenant Grade 2Skill Needed: 10 EXP:85
17 Lieutenant Grade 3Skill Needed: 10 EXP:200
18 Lieutenant Grade 4Skill Needed: 10 EXP:400
19 CaptainSkill Needed: 20 EXP:100
20 Captain Grade 2Skill Needed: 20 EXP:150
21 Captain Grade 3Skill Needed: 20 EXP:300
21 Captain Grade 4Skill Needed: 20 EXP:600
22 MajorSkill Needed: 30 EXP:200
23 Major Grade 2Skill Needed: 30 EXP:300
24 Major Grade 3Skill Needed: 30 EXP:600
25 Major Grade 4Skill Needed: 30 EXP:1,200
26 CommanderSkill Needed: 35 EXP:300
27 Commander Grade 2Skill Needed: 35 EXP:450
28 Commander Grade 3Skill Needed: 35 EXP:900
29 Commander Grade 4Skill Needed: 35 EXP:1,800
30 ColonelSkill Needed: 40 EXP:400
31 Colonel Grade 2Skill Needed: 40 EXP:600
32 Colonel Grade 3Skill Needed: 40 EXP:1,200
33 Colonel Grade 4Skill Needed: 40 EXP:1,800
34 BrigadierSkill Needed: 45 EXP:500
35 Brigadier Grade 2Skill Needed: 45 EXP:1,000
36 Brigadier Grade 3Skill Needed: 45 EXP:2,000
37 Brigadier Grade 4Skill Needed: 45 EXP:4,000
38 GeneralSkill Needed: 50 EXP:600
39 General Grade 2Skill Needed: 50 EXP:1,200
40 General Grade 3Skill Needed: 50 EXP:2,500
41 General Grade 4Skill Needed: 50 EXP:5,000

Destroying Wraiths
To easily destroy a Wraith and save time and ammunition, go to the back side. Aim at the little circle in the back. With about five to ten shots it will be destroyed.

Catch Skull
In "The Storm" mission, do a grenade jump off a Warthog; or get a Ghost and go back to the ramp from which you first appeared. Use the Ghost to push a big square crate over to the front of the silo pod that has the skull. Jump from the box to reach the skull. Its description reads "Pull pin. Count to three. Throw." All NPCs will have two grenades and will throw them frequently.

Living grenade
Sticky grenade your monitor ally while he is human. Have him quickly change to Monitor The grenade will not detonate. Go near anyone and change back to human then back to monitor very fast. The grenade will detonate.

Cheat Mode
The following cheats can be performed during a local match or replay only. You must simultaneously PRESS & HOLD the following buttons for 3 SECONDS to toggle the effect on / off.
Click Left Analog-stick + click Right Analog-stick + LB + RB + Down/Right during a local match or replay.Show coordinates
Click Left Analog-stick + click Right Analog-stick + LB + RB + Up/Left.Toggle panning camera
Hold LB + RB + LT + A + Down during a local match or replay.Toggle weapon display

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Askar (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the fourth mission.
Assault (30 points)Finish the fourth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Black Eye (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Campaign Complete: Heroic (125 points)Finish the Campaign on Heroic (unlocks achievement for Normal, if not earned).
Campaign Complete: Legendary (125 points)Finish the Campaign on Legendary (unlocks achievements for Normal and Heroic, if not earned).
Campaign Complete: Normal (125 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal.
Catch (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Cavalier (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the third mission.
Cleansing (30 points)Finish the fifth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Demon (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the second mission.
Exterminator (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the fifth mission.
Famine (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Fear the Pink Mist (5 points)Kill 5 enemies with the needler in a ranked free for all playlist or in campaign.
Fog (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Guerilla (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the first mission.
Headshot Honcho (5 points)Kill 10 enemies with headshots in a ranked free for all playlist or in campaign.
Holdout (20 points)Finish the second mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Iron (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Killing Frenzy (5 points)Kill 10 enemies without dying in any ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Landfall (20 points)Finish the first mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Last Stand (40 points)Finish the seventh mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Lee R Wilson Memorial (5 points)Score 5 grenade sticks in any ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Marathon Man (40 points)Locate and access all Terminals in the Campaign.
Maybe Next Time Buddy (5 points)Board the same vehicle within 10 seconds after being boarded in any free for all playlist (Online).
Mongoose Mowdown (5 points)Splatter an enemy with the mongoose in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
MVP (5 points)Earn the MVP in any ranked playlist (Online).
Mythic (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Orpheus (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on eighth mission.
Overkill (5 points)Kill 4 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Ranger (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the sixth mission.
Reclaimer (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the final mission.
Refuge (30 points)Finish the sixth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Return (50 points)Finish the final mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Spartan Officer (25 points)Advance to the Spartan Officer ranks (Online).
Spartan Program Recruit (10 points)Win your first game in matchmaking to sign up for the Spartan Program (Online).
Steppin' Razor (5 points)Score a Triple Kill with the sword in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
The Key (40 points)Finish the eighth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
The Road (20 points)Finish the third mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Thunderstorm (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Tilt (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Too Close to the Sun (5 points)Destroy an enemy banshee with the spartan laser or missile pod in a ranked playlist or in campaign.
Tough Luck (10 points)Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Triple Kill (5 points)Kill 3 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Two for One (5 points)Score a Double Kill with a single spartan laser shot in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
UNSC Spartan (15 points)Earn your Sergeant rating to be recognized as a true Spartan (Online).
Up Close and Personal (5 points)Kill 5 enemies by melee or assassination in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Used Car Salesman (5 points)Destroy a vehicle that has three enemies in it in a ranked playlist or in campaign.
Vanguard (10 points)Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the seventh mission.
We're in for some Chop (5 points)Destroy an enemy vehicle with equipment in a ranked playlist or in campaign.

Smarter respawning
When playing in Co-op under the Legendary difficulty setting, it is best to have one player keep their distance from the enemy at all times. By doing this, if the rest of the players die they will respawn around the player that is farther back, rather than having to restart the checkpoint.

Getting in the same ranked Lone Wolves game
Go to your Dashboard. Change your language to the second option from the bottom. Start Halo 3. Invite four other friends that are about the same rank as you. Also have them change their language to the same one as you. Get everyone in the same party before you want to get them in the same party. Everyone must search at the same time. Everyone then must make a game in Lone Wolves. Before you go to start the countdown, press X to change the search options to the bottom one, which is to search for the same language. If done correctly, chances are you will be in the same ranked Lone Wolves game as your friends. You can now get achievements or level someone up.

Halo: Unlimited Spartan laser
Use the following trick to get an unlimited Spartan laser on last level "Halo". Play through the level until you meet up with Sergeant Johnson. Shoot him until he falls down and drops the Spartan laser. Quickly pick it up and shoot it at him. Keep shooting him until he kills you. When you respawn, knock him down again and pick up his laser. He should get back up with another laser on his back. When he does, shoot him down again and pick up the new gun he drops. This laser should have unlimited Spartan ammunition. This makes it easier to destroy the Guilty Spark 343.

Go to the last tower. Before you get to the Prophet of Truth, there are a series of bridges with Halos. Do not jump through any yet. First, kill the Prophet and clear the bridges of enemies. Then jump through the Halos in this order, with "1" being the entrance and "7" being the end near where the Prophet was located: 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2, 7, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 5, 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 3. This is much easier in Co-op mode with three or four people. This is the Halo theme if it was played on a phone by dialing the numbers. If done properly, the Halos will start flashing. If the Halos do not flash, revert to your last saved game. The skull is near the Prophet's ramp. Its description reads "But a dog beat him over the fence." This skull unlocks hidden dialogue when activated. If this is the thirteenth skull you have located, it will also unlock the Hayabusa Head. IWHBYD stands for "I Would Have Been Your Daddy" which is a level chapter from the original Halo.

Start "The Ark" mission. After entering the first building take a left into another door. You will be in a curved corridor. On the inside is a Terminal.

After activating the bridge in "The Ark" mission to let your friends cross the gap, turn 180 degrees to find the Terminal. Note: It does not open until you activate the bridge/

In the third building after defeating the Scarab in "The Ark" mission, kill the group of sleeping Covenant. Follow the corridor down. You will reach a door in front that is locked. Immediately on the left is an open door. Go through and walk straight off. Turn 180 degrees to find a secret room with the Terminal.

Enter the first tower standing on the lift in "The Covenant" mission. Face the access panel and turn left. Jump over to find the Terminal.

Land your Hornet on the second tower in "The Covenant" mission. Walk towards the entrance. When you see the locked door, turn 180 degrees to find the Terminal.

When in the third tower standing on the lift in "The Covenant" mission, face the access panel then turn right. Jump over to find the Terminal.

After reaching the end of the first cave in the "Halo" mission, hug the right wall. You will see a building. Jump up onto the walkway and turn to the left once you are inside to find the Terminal.

More grenades
in multi-player or system link mode, when you kill someone slash their dead body with the Energy Sword. More grenades come out of it.

Famine Skull (The Ark)
In "The Ark" mission, enter the valley to the right after the wrecked Phantom. Look to the left to find a large boulder. Use a Ghost to reach the side of the boulder that is closest to the bridge overhead. Get the Ghost up the side of the wall by using the thrust. Get two Ghosts up the wall to the top of the bridge. Stack them on top of each other next to the beam where the skull is located. Then, jump from the top of the Ghosts towards the skull and land on the beam. Its description reads "Trust us. Bring a magazine." Dropped weapons will have less ammunition.

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